We (Ben and Brian) want to be our best selves in every way. Healthy, smarter, explorative, happy and just plain ol' better humans. We believe that there is always room for improvement, and we've adopted a philosophy that says we have one chance to live this life and we should live it more intentionally and in the moment. But this is especially difficult because the both of us live in a world full of distracting stimuli (our phones), unhealthy consumption (stupid videos & television binging), unfulfilling routines (redundancy of work and daily life) and complacency. So one day we thought, we can't be the only human beings acknowledging that we need to be more intentional about living in the moment, but are faced with challenges to implementing the changes we so badly need.

Ben and I want to navigate through these challenges to be more present for ourselves and the other people in our lives and we want to encourage others to do the same.  We want to live a balanced lifestyle that prevents us from: being tethered to our electronic devices, staring at a television and computer screen after we do it at our jobs, and falling into a cyclical trap that doesn't involve activities that bring us joy. Instead of allowing ALL of our time to be consumed doing the things we don't love, we'd rather be engaged in healthier activities.

So... we came up with the UnFamous Movement and some basic foundational pillars to live by:

  • Be Mindful
  • Explore
  • Learn
  • & Find the Value 

You may be wondering, what does the word "UnFamous" have to do with any of this. To us, when we are living the UnFamous Movement lifestyle, we're not imitating or copying what other people are doing because "it's what everyone is doing".  We're engaged in hobbies, interests and pastimes that naturally energize us with pleasure and happiness and will create memories and unforgettable experiences. We're not doing things to please others (like our bosses, followers, or whomever). We're doing it for us. So as Ben and I say, "Don't Live to Be Famous. Live to Be You!"

Oh, and if you are living to be famous or already are famous, we're not knockin' your hustle. Keep doing what you LOVE to do so long as it brings you joy.

- Brian & Ben


Any and Everyone